Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Best Tips To Improve Your Alexa Traffic Ranking

There are tons and tons of websites available on the internet and thousands of websites are born every day so its getting important to attain a good website ranking world wide.Alexa is one of the most popular website ranking community of the world.Alexa has a very decent way of calculating its ranking,it simply calculate all the ranking by the means of unique page views given by every user on each day.It even shows country wise ranking,It changes its websites ranking on daily basis even now Search engine bots are taking Alexa's top ranked websites important.So to improve Alexa ranking is becoming compulsory to increase your websites traffic.This is the reason why today we will discuss how to improve your Alexa Traffic Rank.
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Friday, 24 February 2012

Best Tips To Save Your Google Adsense Account From Getting Banned

Blogging is the most popular and the easiest way to earn some handsome revenue. Blogs are the source of knowledge. You can find tons and tons of blogs on even tiniest topics. If you owns a blog and you want to earn some revenue but you don’t know how to get started? Simple you are at the right place. Google Adsense is one of the biggest names among the pay per click programs. It means a Publisher will be paid only if some one clicked on the ads but never get over exited Google Adsense has very strict policies and Google did not hesitated to ban any account. Even some times they block your account without any reasoning so be careful and use your Adsence account purposefully and cleverly Remember: Once your Account is banned no new account will be issued on the same payee name.
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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Facebook Video Calling:How To Set Up? And Talk Face To Face With Your Friends

FaceBook the social networking giant have finally launched a much awaited feature video calling. This feature is launched under the banner of Skype and FaceBook. FaceBook user can not now only chat via text but also can interact with there friends via live streaming face to face without any hesitation. The video streaming is great without any pause it works like a champ. This feature do not required any additional software which is another great advantage of it. So today I will show you how you can start your fingers rolling over FaceBook video calling.
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Monday, 20 February 2012

Adding a Simple Text Mouseover hover Colour change in Blogger

Usually people ask how they can add a colour mouse over hover in there links in Blogger? Most of the blogger templates posses this feature built-in but some of the blogger template doesn't has this feature.So you have to work a bit to insert a colour mouse over hover.We will simply add a CSS/HTML code which will enable our blog to change the colour of the link when some one place there mouse over it.So lets get started without any further delay
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Thursday, 16 February 2012

5 Fantastic Tips To Increase Website Traffic From Youtube

Youtube is among the most used websites of the world daily tons of visitors visit Youtube for different purpose.Some use it as a source of entertainment while other use it to promote their business free of cost.If we use Youtube properly and cleverly we can Drive traffic for our website.You will be thinking how you will get traffic from Youtube their are tons and tons of videos available on Youtube and thousands of videos are being upload on daily basis so how our video will get notice and would generate views which will help us to increase our website traffic well not to worry today I will show you How you can trigger traffic from Youtube
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Monday, 13 February 2012

How To Insert Embed Radio Channel Code Widget in Blogger

Entertainment is the most searched term on the internet most of the user use internet for only enjoying and spending their free time in playing games,watching videos but most commonly they play games while listening to the online radio.So if you owns Blogger and you want to transform your blog into a radio station without spending a single penny then you are at the right place.Today while I was roaming on internet I saw a Question at Yahoo Answers How to embed Radio channels on blogger website Asked by Miss Farha Tasnim.Which is the most common question usually users asks.So this tutorials will not only help Miss Farha Tasnim But it will also help other publishers.So let us start rolling our fingers on our today's topic 
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Top 5 Best eCommerce (eStore) WordPress Themes

If you are a good Blogger but you are bored doing blogging and you want to change your profession to become rich by selling merchandise online on your website.Don't worry their is a very simple way to transform your Blog into an online eStore (eCommerce) Website only if you owns WordPress Blog.WordPress  is the only online platform which allow its users to almost do any thing from tiniest plugins to giant themes and etc.To Transform your blog you can take advantage of WordPress eCommerce themes.Due to its quality and reliability WordPress eCommerce theme will convert your blog into a serious online business shop.This is the reason why WordPress is growing more rapidly from blogging platform towards a Professional online eStore and now a days mostly online shops are  powered   by WordPress.I have collected most demanding WordPress Premium eCommerce theme so you don't need to look for theme.If I left out any WordPress eCommerce theme then simply attach a link in your comment.I have reviewed some Themes so you can get  idea which one to chose 
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Friday, 10 February 2012

Adding A Contact Us Form Widget in Blogger Embed Code

Contact Us form is always prove it self important for any publisher.Its an important way to communicate with your visitors in a convenient manner.Not only it will help you to improve your services it could also make your community more reliable as user will able to communicate with you live with out any barrier.But Blogger does not provide this service you have to work a bit to make it working for you.In Blogger users can communicate with comments but they cannot send you a private message so its better to have a contact us form to make personal stuff private.So today we will learn How to add a contact us form in blogger before we start adding it lets look at its features
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Thursday, 9 February 2012

How To Do Auto Posting In WordPress With RSS Feeds (Plugin)

AutoPosting is a powerful term its main job is to do autoblogging.If you use Auto posting software it will turn your whole blog into auto-pilot and will provide you fresh and unique content every time.But if you search for a good Auto posting software it will cost you,so today we will show you how you can use Rss Feed to get automatic content updates without doing any thing free of cost.You can use Rss Feed Auto posting to share your content on your different blogs.After you implement Auto posting all you have to is to sit back and enjoy.Currently this feature is only for WordPress.How ever many different scripts are developed to do Auto posting in Blogger but still its not officially released by Blogger.How the process of Auto Posting Works with RSS.
Important:This tutorials is only for educational purpose MYBLOGGERLAB is not insisting any one to implement it.To work Risk free you must use your own Rss Feed content to distribute it to your other blogs.
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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Wordpress Vs Blogger Comparing Advantages and Disadvantages

It's been almost an era we are talking about the rivalry of WordPress and Blogger.There were many discussion who is better,which has more potensional and much more.But in the end we failed to get the answer which one is better some of the popular publisher recommend WordPress because of its features while other recommend Blogger due to its Widgets.This is the reason why this mystery is still to be answered.So today this mystery will be finally answered.You don't need to listen any one which is better you have to take the decision on your own don't depend on any one.In reaching the end of this post you will able to take your decision which one is better on the basis of their Advantages and Disadvantages.
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Monday, 6 February 2012

Google Rolled Out First PageRank Update Of The Year 2012 (February 06)

There were many reports indicating Google PageRank update is coming in February.UPDATE:Well now I am confirming Google has just updated PageRank on February 06 2012.This is the first Google PageRank update of the year 2012.
While previous Google PageRank update was back in November 8 2011.After the gap  of almost 3 months. Google PageRank is updated.There's always a gap of 3 months between each Page Rank Update.Let us look at some facts of Google PageRank Updates
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Saturday, 4 February 2012

Auto Posting By Rss Feeds Feature Hits Blogger

Auto posting is always prove it self important for many publishers who owns different blogs and used it to distribute there articals in just one click.Its always played it part in increasing their visitors.While most of users use it to copy others content which is the only problem in this feature.Auto posting is not new in WordPress most of users doing it from long time but in blogger its very much new and its still to be implemented.Now in these days users are using Rss feed to distribute their content on different websites.Rss feed provide them a specific url where whole data of website arrives which enable auto posting robots to work and distribute it to different website as directed.This will not only save the time but its prove lot convenience to the publisher.It automatically publishes thousands of topics in split of second so the whole system is pretty much fast

Still most of the publisher is taking it as a threat,from auto posting there copy righted content will be published on several websites without any permission which is the biggest threat.This is the reason why this feature is not released officially but many Hackers has developed Scripts which enabled users to do auto posting with the help of Rss Feeds.We have done some art work to show you how it really works  
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Friday, 3 February 2012

5 Basic Tips To Start Your Blogging Journey In Blogger As Beginner

Blogger is the most easy and most fascinated platform for publishers to start the blogging journey.Blogger was founded to gave publisher reliably and solidity.Blogger is the most used platform in the world the reason why it is ranked 45 in the whole world and in most of counties it is on top 10. 

Most of popular publisher recommend blogger instead of WordPress due to is solidity.There are many chats comparing wordpress and blogger but in the end blogger is the one who should win because of its user friendly experience.Blogger has helped the publisher to work freely with out any limitations.Another good thing about Blogger is that it could be optimized very easily,if you want to change styles it can be done in few steps,adding different widgets,working with Html CSS and much more has become much easier.Another  key feature of blogger it is free you don't need to spend a single penny in buying hosting you just need to spend few dollar's in buying a domain for yourself.So todays topic is not so much difficult nor it is so easy its just your pure concentration will gave you the fine idea how you could start your journey in blogger 
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Thursday, 2 February 2012

The Best Trick To Increase Your Twitter Followers

Twitter is world's first and most popular microblogging website which enable users to broadcast the message in form of text up to 140 characters named it "Tweet".Twitter always prove it self a better place not only for well knows personalities but also for small publishers who had just started their journey towards blogging.Twitter is a free web based service which allow you to intact with your friends and family.But the main thing is followers how you will get tons of followers on twitter?.This is the main question which often comes in our minds.Its very difficult to get followers,you will only get followers on twitter on the basis of qualities and quantities.If you don't have followers then twitter is useless.Most of user spends lots of money in buying twitter follower which is against the policy and soon their twitter account is banned due to policy violence.So is their any legal way to get free twitter followers well don't worry today we will learn how to increase twitter followers in just one click.
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Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Using Social Networking Websites To Boost Traffic

Social Networking website's always play's important factor towards increasing website traffic.Many website giant use it as magic wand which increase's there traffic.But to become successful you have to work hard till you start getting result's.You could use social networking website's as an advertising agent.Tons of user's daily visit social networking website to interact with there friend during the interaction they lead towards your website.Most of Social Networking website's like Facebook,Twitter,Flickr and etc are used commonly to increase popularity of website.The latest addition in social networking website is Google Plus.It is beating almost every social networking website,this is the reason why publisher is now using Google plus instead of Facebook,twitter and etc.Today's Topic is To Drive Traffic From Social Networking Websites
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