Monday, 30 April 2012

20 Deadly Blogging Errors That Ruins Your Blogger Career - Part 2

Blogging is the nicest way to share our glittering thoughts with the entire world. But blogging does not seem to be that simple, to achieve success we require proper mind of view in a systematic manner. If we aim recklessly then we will see our self no where in this huge blogging world.

Blogging mistakes are not the most unique thing in the blogosphere, like every ones knows about them but we are still repeating the same old mistakes. So its time that we rose up on this occasion, motivate yourself with dignity and try our best to over come our blogging mistakes. As we mention in the previous edition of Blogging mistakes that “No man on this earth is born with perfection as man learn from his mistakes and lead himself towards error free life”. So now it is time to press the accelerator and try our best to get rid of all our blogging errors. So today we will discuss the 20 Deadly Blogging Errors That Destroy a Blogger career
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Sunday, 29 April 2012

20 Most Common Blogging Mistakes That Destroys a Blog - Part 1

No one on this earth is born with perfection it is the determination of a person which makes him stronger and sharper. Some times we all make childish mistakes and big blunders as Bloggers but the one who learns from his mistakes prove to be a stand out performer. It depends on us, how long we’ll continue our same mistakes? And the day we will discover the answer of this question our world of blogging would be changed dramatically.

Ever Blogger is passionate about his blogging techniques but some time we makes silly mistakes which cause a down fall not only in our traffic but also in our blog reputation. It is the bitter truth that, it takes years to establish our self as an ideal blogger but only one silly mistake could destroy our entire blogging career.  So it’s crucial that we learn from our mistakes and never repeat them.

So its time to motivate your self, don’t look in your past as we are in present and future is waiting for us. Motivation is the best way to ignore all our previous mistakes as those mistakes is now the part of the history. This is the reason why today we will discuss the most common blogging mistakes which not only kills our blogging carrier as a blogger but also destroys our blog. This is old trend that “Man Learns From His Mistakes” so we will continue the trend and after going through this posts we will hatch out as a perfect blogger.
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Saturday, 28 April 2012

Attractive Jquery Image Slider Widget For Blogger

After the success of Sliding on Hover Jquery Featured Post Slider For Blogger and as per your request we are really delighted to present you yet another dynamic version of image slider widget for blogger blogspot blogs. This image slider is totally different as it is well optimized and hence the speed of this image slider is comparatively faster. Another great feature of this widget is that you can also use it as your Featured post widget which makes it Two in One. This widget is exactly coded from WordPress themes. The Slider is optimizing really well that it will only appear on your home page.

In this Image Slider you can add 5 images with there respective Titles, Descriptions, Images and Post URL. This slider has a forward and backward tool which allows your visitors you take quick look at the featured posts.So instead of chatting, let us start rolling our fingers on Attractive jQuery Image Slider For Blogger. 
But first I know you would love to preview The Widget so first see the demo
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Friday, 27 April 2012

Top 10 Most Popular Pakistani Bloggers & Blogs

Pakistan is among those countries which are developing rapidly in the field of information technology. The biggest reason behind the rapid growth of education is the young generation of Pakistan, which is over whelmed with fruitful ideas. Being a Pakistani myself I have great regards and respect to the Bloggers of Pakistan who are educating us with there knowledge free of cost.

There are thousands of Pakistani bloggers who are passionate about blogging. If we go in depth we will discover Pakistan has tons of fascinating bloggers. This is the reason why today I thought to create a list of top 10 most popular Pakistani bloggers and blogs. The task of collecting the information was very tricky as Pakistan has massive list of bloggers but in the end I managed every thing pretty handsomely. So today we will discuss about the most inspiring and top bloggers of Pakistan which are giving the message to entire world that we Pakistanis are not left behind in the field of information technology.   

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Thursday, 26 April 2012

How To Earn More Money with Hostgator Affiliate

Hostgatorhas proven it self to be the most successful and reliable webhosting company through many years. It has some handsome feature which makes it stand out performer. Hostgator was established in 2002 with it’s headquarter in Houston, Texas But in just few years Hostgator touched almost every continent with more then 200 countries. Currently they’re hosting more then 80 million domains (2012) which are the largest quantity of domain ever hosted by a company. They are reasonably cheap and reliable hosting providers. I my self hosted few blogs on Hostgator and I have experienced how inexpensive and dependable it is as almost all their hosting plans comes with Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth

Just like other Hosting companies Hostgator also has an affiliate program from which we can take benefits. And if we want to make quick cash then it is the perfect way to do that. With Hostgator Affiliate program the only thing you need to do is to refer it to your friends or clients and get paid. The biggest advantage we have in Hostgator affiliate is that, we don’t need to  buy hosting account with Hostgator to get qualified for opening our affiliate account. We can earn about 2000$ per month, depending upon how much clients we refers. There is no minimum payout limits as we're paid whatever we earn every month and moreover Affiliate membership is totally free. So today we will create our first ever Hostgator Affiliate Account and learn how to earn more with Hostgator.
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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

11 Simple Ways Students Can Make Money Online

Like other Students, you are also wasting your precious time? in online gaming, Facebook, Chatting, Social media and etc. I feel really sorry for me, when I look back to my past I wasted almost 2 years in playing games and chatting with friends, I think why I had not utilize those 2 years in blogging but I have certain satisfaction that now I am out of all these un eventful activities.

Still many of my friends are wasting their time on social media. If we calculate how much time we spend on internet per day then, the majority would say 2 to 3 hours which makes it about 1000 to 1200 hours in a year. After spending all these hours what we got? We remained empty handed before and after.

This is the reason why I recommend my friends to think on large scale don’t get dishearten think larger think bigger. Facebook, social media and gaming is not the only thing in the entire world. So today we will show how we Kids, Students, Teens and Housewife’s or who ever it is, can make money online straight from our living room.

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Tuesday, 24 April 2012

How To Schedule Your Post In Blogger? To Publish Automatically

Bloggeris likely the most used blogging platform, this is the reason why it has handsome features. But most of the users are unvaried from lot of it's features. And scheduling a post is another feature which seems to be pretty much hidden from all of the blogger users.

If you are using Blogger Blogspot to blog, and you are wondering about the method to schedule your future posts. Especially when you are out for holidays or during exams, you don’t want to open your computer to just press a Publish Now button,that seems pretty annoying!

So if you still believe that there is not way to schedule your post then you would be surprise to hear that Blogger has this feature from 2008. And today we will learn How We Can Schedule our Post. So let us get started.
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Monday, 23 April 2012

How To Become an Editor at DMOZ? To Guarantee Your Listing

DMOZ, also knows as Open Directory Protect (OPD) is among the most significant website directories all around the world. A new webmaster always dreams to get listed in DMOZ (OPD) for the many benefits it brings back. If your blog or website gets listed in DMOZ, on next Google Page Rank update your site will be blessed with High Page Rank. Google relies on DMOZ heavily this is the reason why a website which is listed by DMOZ directory automatically gets listed in Google Directory.

Getting your site listed in DMOZ directory is not as simple as you are thinking. Some time it seems like it’s impossible to get listed in DMOZ because each and every blog/website submission is volunteer by a human reviewer. Nevertheless, there is a way which will guaranty your site submission in DMOZ directory, and that is to become DMOZ Editor for that category in which you want your website to be listed.

Appling to become a DMOZ Editor is as easy as you like. Getting accepted as an editor is harder then your thoughts, But every thing is doable.

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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Top 10 Best Tips To Get Your Blog/Website Listed in DMOZ

When ever it comes to searching we always prefer Google as it has the finest techniques to collect quality content from all across the internet. Google still owns more then 70 percent of search engine share in the market which makes it, stand out performer from several years.

Google is all about trust, by this I means how much trust they have in your blog/website. It’s a good idea to show Google your blog is full of admirable content. This can be done in several different ways. But in this post I will be sharing the one way of achieving trust from Google, and therefore today we will be discussing how we can get out blog listed in DMOZ (open source website directory)

DMOZis an open source website directory, the websites which are listed in DMOZ are highly professional therefore DMOZ only include those sites which have some worth. The reason why it’s important to get listed in DMOZ is that it will give your site a High Page Rank from Google. As a result your site will be displayed in the top ten search engine results.

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Saturday, 21 April 2012

Sliding on Hover Jquery Featured Post Slider For Blogger

Every Blogger Dreams to make his blog attractive with perfect image content sliders. Usually image content sliders works on automation. So they don’t really allow you to select the certain post that you want to view. They keep on sliding the same thing in front of your eyes and in that situation you are unable to do any thing, which is biggest problem that you face with these content sliders. This was the reason why, in our previous post we introduced a Shuttingup and down Featured post Widget for Blogger.

But, today we will introduce a greatly new and improved Slide on Hover Feature Post Widget for Blogger with JQuery effect. It will change the entire reflection of your blog. In this widget you can add up to 5 featured posts with their large images, titles and little descriptions. So today we will going to Add Sliding on Hover JQuery Featured Post Widget for Blogger

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Friday, 20 April 2012

Maximize Your Earning With New Google Affiliate Ads For Blogger

When ever it comes to blogging platforms the first word arrives in our mind is Blogger. There are many reasons to believe in blogger as it is blessed with handsome new features which draw’s our interest. Blogger is a platform where any one can share their thoughts, ideas and if you are a passionate blogger then you can even share your opinions.

We can take example of Blogger New Interface which has changed the way of blogging dramatically. But this is not it Google is all set to introduce a much awaited feature, which is Google Affiliate System for Blogger. If you are looking to earn more with your blog then Google Affiliate System is the best opportunity to maximize your earning.

The Google Affiliate Ads is a new concept, which monetize your blog with most desirable ads. This new feature is not only for publishers but advertisers can also take benefits from it. The Advertiser only need to pay when their product is sold. According to Google Product manager “Your blog is a place for you to share your passion with the world. You might be passionate about a hobby a sports review or even your favorite products. We believe your recommendation matters so now when you blog about a product you can earn money from Google Affiliate ads. Your recommendation is valuable. We want you to earn money from it to help you keep doing what you love, Blogging. Get started today”.
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Thursday, 19 April 2012

Add Pinterest Follow Me & Pin It Button To Blogger

According to official source, Pinterest is becoming the latest trend in social media. Pinterest have attracted millions of audience just under the nose of top rated social networking websites like Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and etc. And just like other social networking platform, every one is rushing towards registering there account on Pinterest to discover what the buzz is all about. The biggest reason behind the success of Pinterest is its uniqueness. Instead of writing boring content it uses images and videos. It allows users to Pin any featured image or video to there virtual pinboard. Users who are your friends or followers can like or even repin your shared content to there Pinboard. You can arrange your pins under specific pinboards (categorize) according to your need.

So currently Pinterest is an ideal point for publisher who wants to promote there blog or website. Therefore it has become the next most vital traffic source for blogger to boost their blogs traffic. Adding Pinterest “Pin It” And “Follow Me” to blogger could make big difference in your traffic. But if you had tried Pinterest Goodies (Gadgets) then surly you have not been amused from its simple HTML and JavaScript code with no dynamics attach to it. Since its new so, they don’t have any developer’s page from where we can obtain important information. Therefore we have to depend upon the WordPress plug-in to split out the codes for (Blogger) BlogSpot Blogs. Remember: The code is so delicate that if you try some thing extra ordinary then it will stop working.
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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Top 6 High Paying Google Adsense Alternatives

When ever it comes to earn online, Google Adsense is the only platform which makes sense. Google Adsense is the single online advertising program which is vastly use by countless users all across the globe. Google Adsense allows its users to monetize their blog/website with most desirable advertisements. But on the other hand Google is not allowing small publishers to apply for new Google Adsense account due to the increase in violation of rules and regulations. If any one applies for Adsense account from his blog or website which is of low quality, then they might face detention in form of getting permanently banned from Adsense. So it’s better to stay away from Google Adsense until you establish a high profile blog or website.
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Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Boost Your Blog Traffic With Facebook Fan Page

When it comes to social networking the first name arrives in our mind is Facebook. It’s been a real long era, since almost billions of people are using Facebook. The main idea behind the success of Facebook is to socialize the entire internet by starting relationships and interacting with your friends or family. But on the other hand we can also use Facebook in promoting our brand by creating our Brand pages.

The main idea behind creating our brand page at Facebook is to bring targeted traffic to our blog or website. Now a days almost every one prefer to have a fan page for not only to interact with their fans but to bring more audience to their blog. So today we will going to share How You can Increase your Blog or Website Traffic with your Facebook Brand Page. We will go trough the basics to the professional ethical tips.

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Monday, 16 April 2012

8 Tips To Drive More Traffic From Pinterest To Your Blog

In our previous post, we introduced first online visual Pinboard named “Pinterest”. As Pinterest could be the up coming social networking giant so, we decided to write some tutorials to explain how you can use it to drive traffic. This is the reason why today we will share the top 8 tips to drive more traffic from Pinterest To your blog.

Before we get started, the fundamental rule behind success is to discover every thing from its roots. This is the reason why we hunt for suggestions from qualified people. Now when we are thinking about Pinterest as our promoter, it’s vital that we have a comprehensive study on how the whole process works? So today we will share some of the basic tips which will bring more traffic to your blogs and website if you pin right thing on right place.

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Sunday, 15 April 2012

Google+ Introduces New & Improved Profile Look

Google+ (Plus) is one of the most anticipated social networking website, this is the reason why Google+ has gained the audience attention dramatically within 6 months it registered 170 million unique profiles with tons of daily visitors.Which makes it one of the top rated social networking website.

Google+ is the biggest competitor of Facebook,  this is the reason why these  website are head to head in the race of ruling the world of social networking. While Facebook has introduced new Timeline Profiles so why Google will remain behind. Google has introduced new Google+ Profiles with lots of new and improved functions. Google+ is now even more better with new and improved interface, with easy to use navigation, attractive profile design and lots of more cool and new features.

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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Insert HTML-CSS-Javascript Codes in Blogger Posts As Plain Text

If you are using blogger platform, and want to insert HTML, JavaScript and CSS source codes in your posts then I am sure you are facing many problems. If you try to insert Html code or JavaScript in Blogger posts you will either get an error message or by chance if your post is published then it will not give the desirable result's which was expected .You can use HTML Encoders but they will never give an attractive look to your codes.

How To Insert HTML, CSS, JavaScripts Codes in Blogger Posts?This is one of a most common question which arrives in users minds. It has been a biggest headache for many Blogger (Blogspot) users. Still many Blogspot users are unable to discover why they cannot display HTML coding as plain text in there posts.

So today I will show you how you can easily insert any HTML coding in you Blogger Posts. We will insert all of our HTML codes in a Stylish Box which will make our coding look different from the all other text present in our post.

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Friday, 13 April 2012

How To File A "DMCA Content Takedown Notice" - "Complain To DMCA"

Protecting our precious content from stealer's is one of the biggest headache of a modern publisher.Creating a unique  content is one of the most difficult task but copying the content is much easier.This is the biggest reason why many people likes stealing.On the other hand a publisher who had done all the hard work remains empty handed without any credits.These days copying content is becoming a trend which is followed by a large population available on the internet.

What usually Happens:You write a delightful post,in which you spend 2 to 3 days researching about the topic,collecting highlight about the topic,selecting correct words to express your talent,adding spice to the topic and hitting Publish button to get the credits which you richly deserved.And then the most disappointing times arrives when some one steals your content and copied it completely without changing a single word.
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Thursday, 12 April 2012

What Is Pinterest "How To Get Started" "Get Free Invitations"

Most of the users are getting annoyed from Facebook because of its newly introduced interface named "Facebook Timeline".The situation got more worse when Facebook forcefully applied Timeline on Profile/Fan Pages.Now we all are very curious about the future of Facebook. Will the Facebook addicts would continue to use it our they will discover its alternative? In your eyes what are the options which we could choose?

No doubt Google Plus is the most top competitor.But when we search till the roots, we found another opponent who is ready to rule the world of social networking.This challenger was launched on 10 March 2011. Yes,you are right i am talking about the first online pin board i.e."Pinterest".   

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Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Top 20 Tips To Maximize Your Revenue with Adsense - Part 2

Previously we posted the Top 20 Tips To Increase Your Google Adsense Earning - Revenue - Part 1 Where we discussed the top 10 Tips  which can maximize your Google Adsense Earning.So today we will discussed  the remaining ten tips which can boost you Adsense income

We highly recommend you to first read the First Part of this post Top 20 Tips To Increase Your Google Adsense Earning - Revenue - Part 1 as the previously discussed tips has great impact in maximizing your Adsense income.

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Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Top 20 Tips To Increase Your Google Adsense Earning - Revenue - Part 1

Google Adsense is the most excitable term for a publisher.Every publisher dream to create an Google Adsense account so he can earn some handsome revenue from his blog.But most of the publishers are not getting what they deserve.Due to the lack of guidance they are not taking the full advantage of their Google Adsense account this is the reason why day by day their earning is consistently dropping.

If you apply the correct tips and the possible techniques to your Adsense account you will surely see a big difference in your earning as currently Google Adsense is only advertising program which shares about 68% publisher revenue.

So this is the reason why today we will going to share The Top 20 tips which will increase your Google Adsense earning for sure.These Google Adsense tips are highly professional so it will guarantee increase your revenue.
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Monday, 9 April 2012

How To Insert Attractive "Table of Contents Page" Sitemap in Blogger

It's very important for a publisher To insert Sitemap (Table of Contents) in his blog  to make it look more professional. Basically Sitemap (Table of contents) is a place in your blog where all of your post are arranged according to their type.This is the reason why today we will going to Insert a Table of Contents in Blogger.

We have designed a table of contents for blogger which will update automatically so you don't need to just edit it every time when you publish a new post.If you  publish a new post on your blog it will automatically added  to your Table of Contents Page so it really saves lot of time.This Table of Contents widget will display all of your post well arranged under their specific categories (LABELS). 

This widget is designed and optimized with CSS so it looks really attractive and has some Jquery which do attract your eyes.So let us start our fingers rolling over the tutorial.
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Sunday, 8 April 2012

Automatically Publish Website Posts To Facebook Page Via Rss Feeds

Facebook is one of the most successful social networking website in about 8 to 9 years it has achieved the true success this is the biggest reason why many business tycoons are using Facebook Pages to drive tons of traffic to there website,they use it as a source of promotion and after the successful introduction of Facebook Timeline they can promote there product on a very high scale due to its new and improved features.But most of the publisher are so busy that they forgot to post updates on the there Facebook Fan Page which resulted in the down fall of Visitors and traffic too.So having automation in social networking has great impact,and it should be adopted to make your community lot more bigger , greater and better,so what you would think? if all of your post publish on your page automatically?,it will be lot easier for you,this will not only safe your precious time but also make you stress free, additionally it will make your traffic flowing consistently.

You will be thinking how this would be possible,do we need to use any scripts,we have to buy it,but if I say by using a Free App from Facebook named RSS Graffiti you can easily publish your posts automatically to your Fan page.

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Saturday, 7 April 2012

Stunning JQuery Blogger Featured Post Widget With Thumbnail

Every publisher dream of having a Featured Post category in his blog,but in blogger most of featured post widgets are not attractive,lacks posts thumbnails,lacks a little description about the post and lacks all the stunning effects like CSS and Jquery.All it has is just text with a link attached to your post which looks so un attractive.

You have probably seen those Featured Posts Widgets in WordPress blog which do attract your eyes,Which has a Big post thumbnail,a small post description,good style with CSS and jQuery.

A Featured post widget has some significance,you are telling your readers to must check these post as they are the top most post of the blog.So this is the reason why these posts are highly viewed and a boost in website impression is also observed.So Today we will going to add a JQuery Featuered Post Widget with Big Thumbnails in Blogger

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Friday, 6 April 2012

Best Method To Create Genuine Adsense Account

Having a Google Adsense account is the most desirable dream of a Publisher,who wants to turns his words into money,who has the possible abilities to transform his blog/website into a machine which not only genrates traffic but also gives him relativity Good revenue.This is the reason why Google Adsense is the most used advertising program with allmost millions of publishers who allows Google to advertise on there website.If you want an easy way to earn money from your online content, AdSense makes sense. Google AdSense shows the right ads on your website, videos, or even web-based games and you make money.

But due to the increase in miss use of Adsense,Google is now turning down almost all the new requests  that it receive from a user who want to be the partner with Google Adsense.They have changed there policies and now these polices are even more strict.So what a new publisher will do who want get good revenue from his website as Adsense was the only one who allows small publisher to earn on large scale.

You don't need to be worried by the end of this post I can guaranty you will be able to register your Adsence account successfully.As this is the genuine method to get your very own Adsence account.
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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Blogger Older Interface Retiring - Move to New Blogger Interface

As Previously mentioned Blogger New Interface Upgraded - Why to Switch - Old interface Retiring and as seen on Blogger Buzz its looking quite obvious that soon we have to say good bye to Blogger older interface as Blogger has developed a newer and more improved interface with latest technology.When Blogger New interface was introduced it was full of bugs but now its fully optimized with new and improved features which is the biggest reason why its time for older interface to get retired.This post is based on Bloggers latest update about retiring older interface.

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Monday, 2 April 2012

Whats New In Google - Create Google Account Without Gmail

If you had tried to create a new Google account you had seen that when you visit Create New Account Page you realize that they had completely changed the looks of Google account registration form.Now if you register a new account with Google you will automatically get an Google Plus (Google +) account ready for you.So you don't need to do some extra efforts.

Until now creating  a  new Google Account was pretty much simple you could either use your  preexisting email address i.e Yahoo Mail,Hotmail and etc or you could create a new fresh GMail account to be a Google account holder but now Google has upgraded there registration form now What do you think? it is must for you to use GMail if you want to be a Google Account holder.
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Sunday, 1 April 2012

Top 5 Plugins To Maximize Your WordPress Blog Security

Hacking is the most painful term if you are a publisher,Day in and day out hackers are finding the weakness in websites.If you don't take care of your website then it is quite obvious that you might become the victims of these unfriendly hackers.So you need to be prepared to avoid these threats and making sure to guard you WordPress Blog.

For instance you have a WordPress blog which is not secured and a Hacker identifies your blog is low in security he will launch tons and tons of attacks on your website which will either down your website or it would steal your password.These days hacker are capable enough to even delete your entire blog so its better to take steps to prevent your blog from hacking.It could be a wake up alarm for us if we have a WordPress blog we must take needly steps to protect our blog from hackers and WordPress does have some useful plugins which could make our blog protected.So today we will learn how we can use these plugins to protect our WordPress Blog from Hackers.
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