Thursday, 30 August 2012

Why A Blogger Should Never Give Up Blogging

Do you want to quit the world of blogging because you are not generating any amount from it? Sometimes everyone has to face minor hitches in their life, but one who stand firm with devotion and self believe always wins the race without any hesitation whatsoever. Almost every person enters the world of blogging to generate some decent revenue, but they don’t realize that earning money online is not a child’s play they cannot earn millions of dollar within the month in which they started to blog. Blogging is all about your temper and maintaining patience though the minor ups and downs will come, but one who knows how to handle these situations will never tumble down. If you are sophisticated to dump your blogging career, then today we will show you the full picture why you should never give up or quite blogging.
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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

How Success Can Turn A Pro Blogger Into A Selfish Person

If you are a Blogger and running a successful site, then over and over again you will meets lots on people either online or offline those peoples could be your hearted fans or could be your competitors but they will have one thing in common. Instead of talking about your quality they will be chatting about your harshness and bitterness. This won’t be true in fewer scenarios, but most probably people have developed a negative image for webmasters. By receiving Fame and success does a webmaster started to feel a Proud? If that question is confusing you, then today we will be answering your questions by measuring the fact that how success can turn a ProBlogger into a selfish person.
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Monday, 27 August 2012

How To Create a Full Width Page and Remove Sidebar in Blogger

Do you think in blogger platform you can neither hide a Sidebar nor can create a full width page? Blogger is not a flexible platform though, with the help of XML and CSS we can remove the sidebar and can even increase the width without facing difficulties whatsoever. If you have observed our 404, Advertise Here and Search engine page, then you may sense a massive difference between these and normal pages. The main intention behind increasing the width and hiding sidebar on certain pages is to transform your blog into a gorgeous looking website. If you are thinking to stretch the width of your site by removing sidebar, then you have landed on right destination because today we will be learning How to Optimize the Width of BlogSpot blogs.
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Sunday, 26 August 2012

How To Promote Affiliate Products Through a Website

Are you still using AdSense to Monetize Your Blog? As we all know AdSense has been the finest way to earn money online from a website. However, Affiliate marketing has overtaken AdSense because it has enlarged the chances of earning. Day by day People are showing more interests in monetizing their blog with their partner's products rather than using AdSense. It is so successful because it provides guaranteed money only if someone purchase a product with your refer. What is Affiliate Marketing? it is neither similar to AdSense nor Buysellads. Though affiliates you will only get paid if someone purchase a product through your referral, so it is quite clear that chances of earning depends on the number of refers, because the more you refer the better you will earn. So today we will be discussing different ways though which you can promote your Products on your website or blog.
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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Like To Enter Advanced Social Traffic Pop For Blogger

Are you looking for an advance Social Traffic Pop, so that you can convert your regular visitors into Social Followers? The main intention of using Traffic pop is to get more exposure on Social websites i.e. Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Though there are tons of Traffic Pops available on the internet, but they neither have splendid features, nor they provide user friendly experience. Today we have assembled an Advanced Traffic Pop that will not only increase your social traffic, but would surly give a peaceful experience to your visitors.
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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Grid Accordion Portfolio Photo Gallery For Blogger

Blogger is not a robust blogging platform in terms of designing and optimizing because sometimes it’s extremely tough for new bloggers to optimize. However, WordPress users have certain satisfaction that they can easily integrate anything without and stress or coding knowledge. This doesn’t mean that Blogger is useless or worthless if we utilize Blogger with its potentials than we can nail everything that we have on WordPress. So any guess what we have for you today? Yes, Accordion Image Gallery Widget for Blogger is something that will fill your mouth with water because this Accordion style Photo Gallery will bring life to your blogger blog. As we all know Accordion works on Hover, so similarly whenever you will hover over or place your mouse over any image it will zoom into the image.  So let’s get on with our Tutorial.

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Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Google Panda 3.9.1 Algorithm Update on August 20th

There was lots of buzz going around in the blogosphere about the Penguin algorithm, but there is a twist in the story. Recently, Google has confirmed that the Panda Algorithm is renewed from 3.9 to 3.9.1.  According to the Google officials, the improvement was minor and affected less than 1% queries on the internet. From our sources, a Top SEO Blog Search Engine Land emailed Google, after hearing news of algorithm update and Google twitted back to confirm the news. Nevertheless, we should be ready to fight because Google can roll out updates any time. So, today we will go in the depth of the recent Panda up-gradation and would discuss its precautions.
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Google Showing 7 Search Results for Specific Brands

It seems like Google is doing some testing with its Search engine, after the Matt Cutts controversial statement there is new news coming from Google that they are displaying only 7 search results in their search engine. Moreover, these 7 search results would be related to only one website that will dominate the whole page. This doesn’t means that Google is kicking out 10 search results because they will continue to show ten results under certain conditions.
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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Top 10 Highest Earning Pro Bloggers And Their Blogs

Do you know from blogging you can be as rich and Richie Rich? Are you still taking blogging as a part-time passion? If you are, then you are committing the biggest blunder of your whole life. The giant internet is full of passionate Techie guys who earns millions of dollars daily without going to anywhere straight from their living room. However, to earn bulks of dollar you need to be passionate about Blogging and once you have decided to land on Blogosphere don’t look back because time will witness lots of ups and downs, but only those people will Succeed  who remain firm with dedication and believe. In the starting of a blogging career, everyone requires an inspiration, so if you are looking for the list of Highest Earning PRO Blogger then you have landed on the right place.  Today we have a List of 10 PRO Bloggers who has taken internet as an earning machine.
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Sunday, 19 August 2012

Does SEO is Dead? Google Brings Evolution in Search Algorithm

Evolution Of SEO
The search engine marketing strategies has changed massively over the past decade. In the previous couple of years, the entire internet loving community has seen loads of ups and downs, especially in Search engine optimization. Search personalization, the rise of social media, on-going change in Google algorithm, and the decline of yahoo are the key game changers. It is pretty clear that the Evolution of SEO would bring unending fruitful benefits to webmasters and bloggers who are working hard, especially on their content. Most of the experts think that it is evolution of SEO because during the past couple of years webmasters and bloggers have witnessed a massive change. Therefore, today we will discuss Does SEO is Really DEAD or there is something which is still hidden.
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Saturday, 18 August 2012

Google's Next Penguin Update Will Be Big And Deadly

Cutts Says Penguin Will be
Google’s Engineer Matt Cutts was in the headline as the second day of SES San Francisco 2012 kicked off. Cutts along with Mike Grehan of Incisive Media Global VP discussed on the key changes that Google have done in their algorithms i.e. Panda and Penguin. During the Matt Cutts Keynote for SEO, He answered some intellectual question about Google algorithm update, which had such intensity they could literally shake the boots of SEO Consultants, as well as webmasters. As you all are aware every single person is waiting for the next Penguin update, but Matt Cutts head of Google Web spam said “you don’t need the next Penguin update”. Furthermore, he warned SEO Consultants and Webmasters about the next Penguin update, “The Few Updates would be shaking and jerking”.
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Thursday, 16 August 2012

How To Make Your Blogger Template SEO Friendly

Do you want to make your Blogger template SEO friendly but don’t know how the whole thing works? Optimize a blogger template with proper SEO is extremely crucial because it indicates how well your site is being  crawled. On the other hand, Search Engine Optimization doesn’t possess the same significance that it uses to have in the past because now Google’s main priority is quality content. Still, optimizing templates with correct technique will not harm you instead your visitors will enjoy the fruitful changes that you have done in your template. Most of the blogspot users think’s that SEO stands for the number of backlinks but deeply it means how well a certain page is organized with proper attributions i.e. H2 Tags, Permalinks, and etc. If you are trying to make your existing Blogger Template Search engine Friendly, then you have arrived to the correct destination. Today we will discuss how we can optimize our Blogspot Template for Search engines.

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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Floating Social Sharing Horizontal Bar For BlogSpot

Social Networking websites has become the center of the activities of the internet because it able to attract each and every user who using internet either from schools, offices or homes. Now days People love to Share stunning article with the Social community which benefits everyone altogether. It’s vital for every blogger and webmaster to integrate Social Sharing or Like button in their Blog, so their visitors can share their stories on finest social networking website, this will not only give them coverage but it will also build loyal readership. There are unlimited Social Share widgets which are available on various blogs, but they either lacks in counting button or they are not designed well. If you have seen those WordPress Blog which have a Horizontal Social Sharing Bar that floats when a page is scrolled, so today we will share the similar sort of Widget for Blogger that consists of Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, Digg and Stumbleupon Sharing buttons.
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Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Different Ways To Promote Your Blog With Facebook

Almost everyone knows about Facebook because it is the world’s largest social networking website. Facebook was launched on 4 February 2004, with the aim to socialize the entire world with relationships and the concept was bang on target, since then it  is continuously dominating the Social media. According to Wikipedia, Facebook has more than 955 million active users and has Global rank of 2 which proves its potentials. According to the rough estimates 50% of people access it straight from their smart phones, so it is getting extremely crucial to create a mobile friendly blog. Facebook could be your first priority to increase your blog traffic especially when you have just started a site, and it is not getting anything out of search engines.In the recent past, we have seen tons of blogs that are not getting even a single page view from search engines but still they are getting healthy traffic because they are utilizing the chances of promoting their Blog quite handsomely on Facebook. If you are not getting enough traffic from Search engines, then you should consider the following techniques to get healthy traffic from Facebook.
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Monday, 13 August 2012

Scrolling Social Recommendation Box For Blogger

Do you know why your website is not getting the desirable traffic that you are expecting from it? The prime reason behind it is the lack of social media exposure which is extremely crucial for every blog. You might have seen some websites which have the most desirable traffic without even getting a single visit form Search engine. The technique behind the social traffic is the amount of Likes, +1s and followers you have on your site. Though we had recently shared a widget called Social Traffic Pop, that automatically appears to each and every visitor whenever they visit your blog but sometimes the repeated POP annoys visitors. So, this time we have come up with a bottom slide out Social Box for Blogger that consists of Facebook, Google Plus and Twitter Follow buttons.
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Sunday, 12 August 2012

How To Get Google's Verified Authorship For Multiple Authors In Blogger

Each and Every Blogger dream to see his name listed in Search engines and Google Verified authorship has done that so simpler that nowadays getting your name listed in Google Search is not that much difficult, then it was in previous times. In our recent article, we discussed how one blogger can get Verified Authorships for a certain blog though it become a massive hit but the only problem was that it didn’t support Multiple Google Verified Authorships on a same blog. So our MBL Team did a research on several WordPress Blogs, where they have certain plugins that does everything rather nicely. Thus, we derived HTML codes from numerous WordPress Blogs and tested them on several BlogSpot blogs, and astonishingly the result was pretty incredible because we were finally able to get Multiple Google Verified authorships in a single Blog Hosted at Blogger. As a result, today we will roll out Multiple Authorship tutorial for Blogger BlogSpot.
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Saturday, 11 August 2012

How to Display Review Markup Star Rating In Google Search Results

Are you still thinking that there is no way to get yourself featured on Google Search engine? Have you ever seen those websites in Google Search results that have 5 little review stars on it? Review Markups is the permit that will make your website different from everyone. Just like the Google Verified author has significance in SERP in the same way Review markups provides reputable impact to the searchers. If we go in depth, Review Markups is more commonly known as the search engine star rating system which not only creates a positive impression in the minds of your visitors, but also make your website stand out in the search results. So, if you willing to improve the appearance of your Blog in Google Search engine then Review star markups is the receipt to get yourself highlighted in Search results. 
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Friday, 10 August 2012

How To Add Customized Google Plus Add To Circles Widget In Blogger

Within 1 year the Social media has changed dramatically, no one debates about Facebook likes anymore because peoples have adapted Pinterest Pins, no more friend requests because now we have Google+ add to circle. Thus, if you are still revolving around Facebook and twitter like a hunger bee, then you are missing a hell lot of traffic which you can gain from Google Plus. Now the question is that how we can get traffic from Google Plus? The whole process works with “Add to Circle” the more people added you into their circles the more traffic you will get to your website or blog. So today, we will insert a Google plus Add to circle widget to Blogger which increase your followers on Google plus.
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Thursday, 9 August 2012

How To Add Google Adsense on Your Mobile Website

Each and every blogger loves to earn handsome money online directly from their living room. They have different advertising programs running on their blog, which gives them the worth of their content but do you ever thought that you can earn even more by enabling Google AdSense on the mobile version of your blog. There are lots of Blogger and webmasters, which are unable to realize that mobilizing their website is getting extremely crucial because the percentage of mobile users has increased up to 60%. So, if you are running a Blogger BlogSpot blog and thinking to integrate AdSense in the Mobile version of your website, then you have arrived to the right place. Today we discuss how to insert Google AdSense ad unit in the Mobile version of your Blogger BlogSpot Blog.

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Wednesday, 8 August 2012

How To Create a Customized Mobile Friendly Website For Blogger Blogspot

Blogger BlogSpot blogs are becoming extremely old-fashioned in terms of designing and optimizing although Blogger does allow you to enhance freely in your main website template, but it doesn’t have that many features in their Mobile Templates. These days everyone prefers to use Smartphones, so it’s getting extremely essential to optimize your website for mobile users. If the ratio of your mobile users is superior to your desktop users, then you have to develop a Mobile responsive template for your Blogger Blog this will not only increase your reliability, but your main mobile audience could take breath effortlessly with your Friendly mobile template. Do you still think it is impossible to optimize Blogger BlogSpot Blogs for Mobile users? Then all these clutching questions would be answered when we will create a Customized Mobile template for our Blogger BlogSpot Blogs.
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Tuesday, 7 August 2012

How To Make Your Website Responsive to Mobile Devices

The World of the internet has advanced a lot, and the biggest reason behind it is the improvement in technology. We are in the era where we can blog directly from our Smartphones, and according to the estimates in 2013 everything will operate on mobility so for webmasters and bloggers, it’s getting extremely crucial to optimize their website for mobile users. If your website speed is not impressive, then it’s quite clear that your visitors will abandon your website without any further delay. So today we will be going to discuss why Mobile matters?


Following are the few reasons which will make you think why it is necessary to have a mobile responsive website. 

1. Customers Want Finest Mobile Experience?

Your customers are already using Mobile, so if they don’t find your website mobile-friendly, then you will lose your significant users, so it’s extremely crucial that you develop a responsive Mobile Theme because mobile matters.

2. Mobile Experience as Good as Desktop:

Your users always expect to get the mouthwatering experience on their mobile devices same as they get on their desktop. No one care how healthier your website is designed the only think which your users want is rapid speed. Almost 90% users abandon a website if it is not completely loaded in 3 seconds on their mobile devices, so make sure your keep up your pace and let your visitors enjoy the irresistible mobile experience.

3. Bad Mobile Experience and Your Customers are Gone:

Customers hate’s slow loading websites, especially on mobile devices. If you are running a slow Mobile template, then the chances are extremely high they you might lose your significant users and search engine bots might penalize you for being a sluggish website.

How To Make Your Website Mobile Responsive Best Practice:

Following are the few significant tips and techniques which could bring delightful experience to your mobile users.

1. Speed UP Your Mobile Website:

We are living in the world where people don’t have time to wait. Mobile users are short of time they want to make their experience as fast as they can, so they can manage their task on the go. You have to keep in your mind that no one care how perfect content you have, if your website is not according to the industry standards and takes more than 5 seconds to load, then you are living on the edge. 
  • Compress your images to keep them small to increase your speed.
  • List less content on your main page and don’t use large blocks of text.
  • Try to minimize your website load time and you will see a huge boost in your mobile users.

2. Make It Easy Without a Mobile Virtual Keyboard:

You have to work on the design of your mobile website. Your customers always want everything intact in one place, so they don’t have to use their virtual keyboard or mouse.
Add click-to-call functionality to your Mobile template.
  • Use check-boxes to make data entry easier for users.
  • Reduce number of steps which is required to complete the transaction.
  • Keep the forms short and simpler to fill.

3. Simplify Your Mobile Navigation:

No one like a website which has awkward interface with low responsiveness. Making a clear navigation with touch scrollable functionality is the perfect combination to make your interface simpler and better than others.  
  • Minimize the scrolling rate and keep it vertical only.
  • Add a search box on every page so users can easily look for content.
  • Use modest hierarchy in your menus and avoid rollovers.

4. Make it Thumb-Friendly:

User often uses their thumb and fingers to operate your website from their mobile device. Design a website in such a way that large hands can easily interact with it without any difficulties.
  • Use large buttons so users can easily operate your website.
  • Try to center your buttons so it can be seen easily.
  • Try to make your text more prominent.

Learn, Implement and Repeat:

Superior mobile website consists of lots of inputs and out puts you have to implement only those things which have the most demand in your audience. Try to interact with your audience and learn what they want and in the end implement it, and keep on repeating it until you get most desirable results.
  • Using Google Analytics track your mobile users and learn what they desire.
  • Do a research work, combine your ideas and enjoy perfect website.
  • Ask your readers, learn and implement.

From the Editors Desk:

If you have not developed a mobile responsive theme for your blog, then must follow the above tips, and techniques to nail a perfect template for your mobile users. Hope you have enjoyed the treat peace blessings and happy optimizing. Images Courtesy:

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Sleek Social Subscribe Box For Blogger Adapted From WordPress

Everyone thinks that Google Search is the only way to get traffic to their Blog or Website, but many popular blogs has diminished traffic from Google and still they are able to pull off tons of traffic to their blog. If you are shocked, then you have not heard of Social Networking giants i.e. Facebook, Twitter, and RSS which does provides quality traffic to websites without building Backlinks or spending money on Search Engine Optimization. It is getting necessary to socialize your blog on different social networking website because it not only provides exposure but builds quality readers. In the same way, you have to promote your Social Pages on your website, so anyone who comes either directly or From Search engine could become your regular readers. Today we will insert a Cool and Stylish Subscribe Now Box in Blogger BlogSpot Blog  Adapted From WordPress so we can easily build our Social Audience.

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Friday, 3 August 2012

How To Create a Pinterest Like Website on WordPress Blog

Pinterest is the fastest growing social networking website within few months of its release it is able to attract millions of users. In meanwhile, it has overtaken some social giants like Digg and Stumbleupon. The only reason why it is successful is because of its uniqueness. From its core, it is a virtual bookmarking tool furnished with social features such as Commenting, repining, and liking. All these features can easily be fashioned by WordPress Users, and they can create a website similar to Pinterest. So today we will discuss how to create a website similar to Pinterest on our WordPress Blog having same pin board features.

Our Ultimate Goal:

Our main intent is to transform our pre-existing WordPress Blog into a Pinterest looking website. Therefore, you need decent amount of content on your WordPress blog with eye-catching images, so when we will change our current theme to Pinterest it doesn’t look awkward. We will first review few themes that look-like Pinterest, and then we will review some plugins that will give your website same Pinterest features.

Pinterest Like Themes For WordPress Blog:

Following are the top quality Premium Pinterest Themes for WordPress Blog that will going to change the look of your blog to Pinterest.

1. Pinpress Premium WordPress Theme:  
Pinpress is the premium WordPress theme which comes with interactive layout that exactly renders Pinterest Template. It has multicolumn layout, which will feel as if you are browsing on original Pinterest website.
Users can easily comment, like or share your pictures and can even enjoy the irritable features of Pinterest without using any external widgets moreover it is the most-advanced Pinterest-Like theme for WordPress available in the market. This theme is only recommended for those who are willing to create a Picture portfolio blog. Live DEMO  

2. Gridnik – Elite Theme For WordPress: 
Gridnik is a splendid WordPress theme for those who loves uniqueness. It has flexible layout, which allows you to resize the theme not only for large screen monitor but also for small screen mobile phones. It has a whitish liquid layout that will make your feel like you diving into fresh swimming pool. It also comes with 9 silk colors enriched with 14 different fonts served from Google Web fonts. 
Gridnik is built with powerful WizyPanel which allows you to customize your theme according to your needs. It is a perfect portfolio theme which will take your blog to the next level. Moreover it is a perfect combination of design and elegance.

3. Gridlocked  Theme For WordPress: 
Just like its name this theme revolves around Grids. It has a stunning interface which will lock your visitors to your Blog. You can not only use this theme for blogging purpose but can also utilize it on a Portfolio website.
It has a built-in like system so you don’t need to use any external plugins. It looks elegant and has bulk of features, which cannot be described in words. If you are thinking to use this theme, then we assume you have taken a splendid decision.  

4. Photum Theme For WordPress (FREE):
Truly I didn’t want to give more than three Themes, but when I look at Photum theme and it changed my mind. This theme is amazing and it is the combination of tons of features, which will make your website just like Pinterest. This theme is not that much perfect but still with its whitish background it will give elegant look. It will allow you to add detailing in your images and much more splendid features.

Some Plugins That Offers Pinterest Functions:

The best thing we have in WordPress is its user-friendly nature, which can be extended to almost anything you like to do with it. Although themes will make your blog look like Pinterest to a certain extent, but to make its functions similar to Pinterest you have to use some plugins which are as follows.
  • WPBookmark: The main feature of Pinterest is that it allows users to Pin a certain content to their Pin Boards so to apply the same functionality on your blog you have to use WPBookmark Plugin, that would allow your users to Bookmark (Pin) your posts to their Homepages and etc. This plugin is free and can be downloaded from WordPress inventory. Download Now
  • WP Favorite Posts: On every social networking website we have likes features, so to create a similar like post functionality on your WordPress blog we have to use WP Favorite Posts Plugin that will work just like Pinterest, Facebook and other Social websites.  This plugin is also free to use so you can download it straight from WordPress inventory. Download Now

From The Editors Desk:

There are many other ways which could be utilized in creating a perfect social networking website but one need a proper idea to nail that. Many other plugins could be used and your website would become more identical to Pinterest.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

02 August 2012 Google Pagerank Update Third Update of Year

While Bloggers and Webmasters were busy in fighting against the recent Google Panda 3.9 update. Once again Google has come into action by rolled out 3rd Page Rank Update of the year, although it was expected in the near end of August but Google continued their trend of making every one astonished by introducing Google PageRank Update on 02 August 2012. Still the update in under progress and would be finished within 24 hours. According to the early reports, lots of Bloggers are unhappy with the update because there expectation was to get higher Page Rank which was down and dusted when they saw their PageRank unchanged. So today we will learn how to improve our PageRank with effective methods.
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