Saturday, 29 September 2012

How To Create a Mega Drop Down Menu in Blogger

Over the previous couple of years, the world of the Blogosphere has progressed quite handsomely. Nowadays Bloggers and webmasters are concentrating more on their website’s designingrather than focusing on their content. Undoubtedly, having a beautiful website is the latest trend and even visitors admire those blogs which are highly professional in terms of their Layout, Header, Footer, Menu and etc. Therefore, having a clean and perfect navigation are the basic needs of each and every blog. However, majority of blogs are still using the old navigation menus which kills the complete presentation of a blog. If your site’s navigation is not perfect then how can you expect your visitors to search your website in depth? Today we will learn how to create a Fresh Mega Drop down Menu for blogger blogs.
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Thursday, 27 September 2012

How To Create a Floating Sticky Footer Bar in Blogger

Are you fed up with your boring footer and would desire to renovate it into something that could thrill your readers? Footer represents the complete outlook of a blog because it has most prominent information that is extremely crucial for a web owner. As we all know, Footer is situated at the end of the websites so the probabilities are exceedingly slim that your visitors will ever going to see it properly. Therefore, it is extremely essential that a web owner should integrate a “Sticky” floating Footer bar to his blog or website so he can maximize the visitor’s attention. Having a Sticky bar at the bottom of the website has numerous advantages we can also list featured post on it to get maximum attention of visitors. In this article, we will learn how to create a sticky floating footer bar in Blogger.
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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

How To Add Animated Flying Twitter MAN Widget To Blogger Blogs

Over the past couple of years, Twitter is the only social networking website which is dominating the whole internet on his head. This doesn’t mean that there aren’t any competitors because Facebook, Google Plus and Pinterest are the true Pioneers but Twitter has its own class and standards. Therefore, Pro Bloggers advice the new ones that they should start building their audience on twitter so they can take benefit from them. Achieving more than two thousand real Twitter followers is something that could give an enormous boost to the abilities of a blogger. After creating an account on Twitter, we can easily link it on our Website, so any person who approaches our website from Search engine or any other source can turn into our permanent follower. However, to attract as many followers to our Twitter account we can take advantage of a splendid widget that will magnetize your visitors and they would love to click it over and over again. In this article, we will add a Cute Animated Flying Twitter Man Widget in Blogger.
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Monday, 24 September 2012

5 Reasons Why Blogger Dynamic Views For Mobile Is a Failure

After waiting so many long years Google finally introduced Mobile-friendly themes for Blogger Platform but those themes were not of sheer quality because they lacked a lot in terms of designing and optimizing, the only impressive thing about them was their rapid Speed. In 2011, Google introduced Dynamic views theme for Desktop and now they have announced to bring Dynamic Views to Mobile. According to them, “We are bringing the speedy and improved reading experience to mobile users”.  Unfortunately, it is not accurate because Dynamic Views theme lacks a lot whenever you try to access it from a mobile device. The Dynamic Views Theme For mobile is pretty much new so you can expect few bugs and minor hitches. Today we will discuss the 5 Reasons why Dynamic Views could upset your Mobile users.
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Friday, 21 September 2012

MBL Freshable Magazine Theme/Template For Blogger

Do you want to stylize your BlogSpot site with spectacular coloring so you can take it to the next level of designing? Creating a picture-perfect theme, especially for Blogger platform is not a piece of cake because it requires lots of hard work and concentration. Therefore, we have assembled an e-Magazine template for our Blogger users which has a number of prominent features that will make you feel as if you are at the top of the moon. Moreover, it is a Magazine style theme in which we have integrated almost all of the unusual functions that will not only amuse you but your readers will love them too. In the development of this theme, we have used multiple WordPress functions to give it a professional touch. Let’s not wait and directly jump to the key features of this MBL FRESHABLE eMagazine Theme for Blogger.
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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Google Panda 3.9.2 Algorithm Update - September 18

It was expected that Google is about to deliver yet another fireball towards webmasters because there were lots of rumors about Panda Algorithm update. Finally, Google has announced that they have refreshed their Search algorithm and this time it is Panda 3.9.2 update. However, Bloggers and webmasters are still waiting for a Jolting Penguin Update because Matt Cutts in an SES San Francisco 2012 conference said that, “it will be a terrifying update”. This current update has not affected lots of queries, just like other updates it is also a negligible one because it hardly affected 0.7% of queries. Today we will discuss about the Panda 3.9.2 Update and how bloggers can survive it without losing a significant amount of traffic.

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Tuesday, 18 September 2012

8 Tips On How To Handle UnHappy Blog Followers

Do you think that difficulties of a Blogger start from Panda and ends at Penguin Algorithm updates? Incredibly these are the minor problems that a webmaster faces during his career because he has no control on these Algorithm updates. However, many people are unaware of this fact that how a blogger control his anger whenever he sees a HARSH Comment either about him or his community. Recent, we have witness lots of blogger saying Bye to blogging because they can’t control their temper when a visitor posted a painful remarks about him. Many webmasters retain their calm and handle these situations pretty handsomely, but few bloggers feel that someone is insulting him without any reason why so ever. Therefore, they attack their Readers, and hence loose significant amount of loyal readers. Today we will be discussing How a Blogger Should Handle Harsh Comments and solve the issue with calmness.
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Monday, 17 September 2012

YouTube Blocked In Pakistan Over Blasphemy Video - Google Is Next On List

After the Blasphemy of Holy prophet (Peace be Upon Him) tons of Muslim countries protested against Israel and USA because they played a key role in constructing this Undersized Film based on our Beloved Last Holy Prophet (PBUH). On this occasion, YouTube played an enormous role is broadcasting this pitiable and negative video. Therefore, lots of Islamic countries including India, Earlier, Afghanistan, Egypt, and Libya commanded YouTube authorities to eliminate this disturbing video based on the Blasphemy of Holy Prophet (PBUH) from their Country. Now Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is all set to utterly Block worlds most viewed online video portal YouTube because they have no contract with YouTube. In fact, Pakistani Government has already Banned on 17, September 2012 temporally. Today we will be discussing a fact that why Pakistani Government along with other Muslim countries Banned YouTube from accessing.
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Sunday, 16 September 2012

Effective Way to Send A Reconsideration Requests To Google

When all of a sudden a website started to get less traffic from search engines, a webmaster will scratch his head, and struggle to understand why his site dropped in ranking. In most of the many cases, webmasters are unable to recognize why the Google web spam team has penalized their website until hit by any of the panda or penguin algorithmupdates. By penalizing a website, Google is giving a second chance to webmasters to follow the guideline otherwise they could easily ban a site that is violating rules without sending any notification whatsoever. A reconsideration request is an online form through which webmaster can send a personal email to Google telling them to reinstate your SERP ranking. Today we will discuss when and How to send reconsideration request to Google.
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Friday, 14 September 2012

Google Panda 4.0 Was A Rumor: Diversity Update

As we are getting near to the end of this month and already webmasters as well as bloggers are getting curious about the next Google Algorithm improvement it is because of the controversial statement given by Matt Cutts about Penguin Updates he said that, “it will be shaking and jerking”. After that conspiracy, lot of webmasters got freshened because, that statement had the power to shake the boots of Bloggers and even SEOs. However, on various webmasters forums the chat is on its peak that Google has rolled out yet another Panda improvement instead of Penguin. What are your feelings, does Google have rolled out yet another fireball towards webmasters, or it is just a normal diminished algorithm change that cannot be named as an update?
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Jquery Unleash Accordion Image Slider For Blogger

The biggest headache of a Blogger is to design his blog in such a way that his visitors cannot continue without appreciating his hard work. Have you ever seen an Accordion image slider that works whenever someone hovers over it? For WordPress users, Accordion Slider is not new because it is a robust platform. Since, Blogger Platformdoesn’t support significant designer languages like PHP, ASP. Therefore, we have less efficiency of creating something out of this world, and unwillingly we have to depend entirely on HTML, CSS and JavaScript. However, after hours of coding our handwork finally paid off because we were able to create an Unleashed Accordion Image Slider for blogger adapted from WordPress. Today we will be integrating MBL Accordion Features post image slider to Blogger.
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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Get 3 Months Free Web Hosting From Askforhost 100% Discount

After the recent Attack over Godaddy, more than 50 million domains were down and out. On this occasion, Hostgator took advantage and started to celebrate by giving 6 months free web hosting bundles. Moreover, they named their Promotion Code to “GODADDYISDOWN” which tell how happy there were when Godaddy was down. However, Lots of Young Bloggers are unable to take advantage of this one time opportunity because HG is only giving free webhost bundles to those who have Credit Cards and etc. For that reason, MyBloggerLab Blog in a collaboration with has brought a first time last opportunity to Grab 3 months FREE UNLIMITED webhosting absolute Free (100% Discount). This means you won’t have to spend even a single piece of penny on your hosting package for at least 3 months.
Sorry !!   This Offer is Expired 
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Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Why Education Is Necessary For A Blogger?

Do you still believe that a Blogger should kill his educational career for the sake of Blogging? It is the bitter truth that a webmaster gives less significance to his Academic studies because of the ongoing ups and down in his blogging career. Skipping Education is the biggest issue for a webmaster because they so much busy with their blogging activities. Therefore, they hardly get anytime to concentrate on their Studies. As we all know Education is the basic need of a respectable person it not only build the character but also give awareness. Being Educated is the biggest plus point for a webmaster because it does gives lot of satisfaction and self believe. Today we will be discussing Why a Blogger Should Never Ignore His Academic Studies.
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Monday, 10 September 2012

How To Add Lazy Page Loading Effect To Blogger

If you have seen Google Dynamics View Theme for Blogger, then you might be aware of the fact that before the whole template gets exposed a Small Jquery loading ICON appears that literally stoles our all attention. For Example, you are thinking to play a PC game so before you could start playing you have to go through LOADING part. Similarly, we will insert a tremendous Jquery Loading Effect to our BlogSpot Blog so our visitors won’t see the images or content getting load instead we will show them a cute Jquery loading page that would literally amuse them. Today we will be enhancing our BlogSpot Blog with Jquery Loading Effect that would surly grab the attention of our readers.
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Saturday, 8 September 2012

"MBL Pinpress Theme" A Pinterest Like Template For Blogger

Do you desire to renovate your photography BlogSpot Blog into a Pinterest Like Website? Though, WordPress websites already have tons of Themes that gives a slight touch of Pinterest but Blogger is not among those platforms which are known for their designing and customizing. Nevertheless, after weeks of mind-numbing coding work our developers were finally able to code a Blogger template similar to Pinterest. As we all know, Blogger is not a robust platform so this is the reason why we have derived HTML and CSS coding from external sources i.e. WordPress in order to design this Template. So instead of waiting further more time in chatting let us straightaway go and check features and main points of this MBL Pinpress Theme For Blogger.
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Friday, 7 September 2012

Why Your Parent Thinks Blogging is A Waste Of Time

Do you consider that bloggers and webmasters only have to struggle against the Algorithm updates, Traffic dominationand Quality Content? If we look from a broad point of view, then we might notice that these are the tiniest problems of a webmaster because no one would ever think that the main trouble starts from the house of a Blogger. Unfortunately, MOM and DAD are the real troublemakers for a webmaster, because most of the time they don’t recognize that why their son/daughter is spending half of his day on the internet. Fundamentally, Parents (MOM and DAD) are correct at their perspective, but they should also understand the feeling of a blogger. Though, webmasters also commits lots of blunders, but Parents should support them rather than asking them to leave the Blogosphere. Today we will be discussing the fact that why Your Parents Thinks that Blogging is a Waste of Time and Money.
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Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Animated Social Sharing Tooltips Widget For Blogger

After the rapid growth and development in Social networking websites, lots of peoples are showing their interest in socializing their website with their favorite social networking website i.e. Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter and etc. The prompt progress in Social Media has made everyone think about its significance. This is the reasons why every now and then we are able to see stunning Widgets that relates Social Media. Tooltips is the latest addition in the Social networking Widgets. Whenever, your visitors would place their pointer on a social icon a small box will appear with information about the specific item that is being hovered. Today we will be integrating Tooltip Social Sharing Widget in BlogSpot Blog.
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Monday, 3 September 2012

Pre-requirements To Design A Perfect Blogger Widget

People over and over again ask us, how MBL developers are able to create stunningly beautiful widgets for Blogger Platform in spite of the fact that it is not a robust platform in terms of optimization. Creating a widget especially for BlogSpot platform appears to be a tough ask because you have to play with lots of coding to craft a perfect gadget. Creating a modest gadget is extremely straightforward. However, if you are thinking to work as a PRO Blogger Developer, then you have to understand lots of things i.e. XML, CSS, HTML, JavaScript and Etc. Today we will discuss the pre-requirements that every webmaster needs to learn in order to design gorgeous looking widgets for BlogSpot sites.
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Saturday, 1 September 2012

CSS3 Fisheye Dock Navigation Menu For Blogger

Dock Navigation Menu
If you are the diehard fan of Mac operating system, then you will love the CSS3 Fisheye Dock Menu specially assembled for Blogger users although you can easily integrate it in your WordPress site because it is flexible enough to take shape of anything without any difficulties whatsoever. This Dock menu will give a new life to your website because it will scroll along whenever your visitors navigate up or down the page. On the other hand, it will keep your visitors interested in your blog because this widget has capabilities to amuse your readers. Moreover, it will turn your dull looking site navigation into a Mac-style site menu.
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