Advertisement annoys each and every visitor especially the pop up ads. This is the reason why lots of internet addicts recommend AdBlock, which brings fruitful experience to users but for Bloggers it’s the biggest pain in their brain. When a user blocks ads with the help of Ad Blocking Software It takes away lots of earning opportunities from a blogger and hence, they notice a significant decrease in their earnings. You have seen lots of WordPress Plugins created to block unwanted advertisement, but blogger lacks in optimizing. Therefore, in blogger we don’t have identical scripts like WordPress but what we have is, worth considering. This script will keep on sending notifications to your visitors until they disable AdBlock so today we will discuss How to Block AdBlock on Blogger BlogSpot Blog?
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Blogger Introduces Permalink Tool To Create Custom URLs
After waiting many years finally Blogger is up with yet another impressive SEO enhancement for all BlogSpot Blogs. Unlike previous times, Blogger users have the liberty to write custom URLs for their posts using Blogger in draft. You will not find this permalink tool in your post editor, if you are using This permalink tool can only be accessed from Permalink is used to define the URL structure of a website, which points to a specific blog or website. Previous times, when we published a post it automatically generates a URL of 30 to 35 characters and occasionally these keywords were not Search engine Friendly which is illogical, but now you can create custom URLs with fluent keywords as you have complete control of the URL structure. After Search engine preferenceand 404 pages for blogger its one of the best featured ever released.
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
How To Block An IP Address on Blogspot Blog?
Blogger could be the future’s supreme blogging platform if it enhances its safety measures. There are no two opinions about the Blogger’s security system, according to the latest surveys it’s reported that blogger is the only blogging platform which can neither hacked nor hijacked because of professionalized security provided by Google.While on the other hand, most of Blogger users are shifting to WordPress because of repeated clicking bombing and content stealing. Although few Blogger devotees are still finding a way out by either banning or restricting the IP Address of click bombers. So, if you are afraid of spammers and want to restrict them from viewing your blog, then you have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you how you can ban a certain country IP address.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
New Features Hits Google Affiliate Ads For Blogger
A few months back in April Google introduced Affiliate Ads for Blogger. It is a gadget which allows you to monetize your blog with the relevant affiliate ads related to your content and helps you to earn somewhat handsome commission whenever someone click on your ads and makes a purchase. According to the Google Buzz, “We have received encouraging response from Blogger Users and our advertisers who supported us to make this brilliant service available”. In recent times, Google has rolled out a couple of recent enhancements to their Affiliate system. Today we will learn more about the enhancement Google had made in their Blogger Affiliate gadget.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
How To Increase Your RSS Subscribers In Large Numbers?
The List of tons of subscribers does bring a splendid delight to a blogger and a webmaster. It does give an enormous boost to their confidence, due to which they work hard and try their best to improve their Blogging skills. In reality, catching the interest of thousands of daily Rss Feed subscribers appears to be a real gigantic task. Nevertheless, it is not impossible. There are many striking ways which could be utilized handsomely to pull off your first Rss Feed Subscription. The probabilities of increasing your Blog Subscribers are extremely high, if you uphold perfection. The question is not about, how we will use these methods, it's about how these methods cannot be used. So today we will study, how we can increase our Rss Subscribers using Email Subscription.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
How Housewives Can Earn Money Online From Home
The entire world loves money which also includes housewives. They are among those ladies who desire to earn exceedingly well, so they can facilitate their family to live a better and luxuries life. But a common housewife faces many difficulties when she imagines doing a part-time job in a company. While on the other hand, they have to take care of their kids and family. Lots of housewives are sick and tired of unemployment. They are still looking for an alternative which will allow them to work straight from their living room (Home). From side to side housewives have all abilities to maintain perfect balance in between their online plus offline work from their home. Some housewives have lots of unique ideas, but the only thing which lacks is moral support from family. However, if a housewife has full moral support from her family then truly it will act as icing on the cake.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Scrolling Subscribe Now Bar With Hide/Show Button
These days scrolling sticky bar have provided an entire new trend to the blogosphere. This is the reason why every one is going gaga about sticky bars, especially one which scrolls with our screen. After the successful release of Notification Bar, we thought to take our blog to the next level. Therefore after spending two days in hard hitting Html coding, finally I and my brother were able to prepare a masterpiece. I will not take too long to disclose it name, and the widget I am talking about is a Scrolling Rss Subscribe Now Bar with Show and Hide Button. This widget is so eye-catching that users would be attracted by its beauty, and due to its excellent looks it will force users to subscribe to your blog. And hence, you will receive a precious subscriber without doing any enormous efforts.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
How To File a Online DMCA Complaint to Google?
Content is the most dynamic part of a Blogger’s life. It’s the main recipe which not only makes him famous but also provides him lust of wealth. Unfortunately, thorns and roses grow on the same tree, in the same way we do witness some ups and downs in our life but one who stand steady win the race. Protecting our content from the content copier has become a pain of the highest magnitude, and still Bloggers are extremely worried about this critical situation. However, the world of the internet has so advanced that it’s extremely straightforward to wipe down these content spammers. To maximize our Blog’s security we have the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) which helps Blogger to protect their content from the Content Thief’s. But is a paid service so it’s necessary that we pay for each and every content takedown request. On the other hand if you are using as your Blogging platform then you can take down numberless content without even spending a single penny, impressively it works with the perfection.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Promote Your Blog With Local and Internet Marketing Strategies
Attracting audience’s attention to our Blog is one of the most complex parts for a Blogger it absorbs lots of hard-work and determination. However, there are some intelligent people who apply all efforts that they have and hence by following some brilliant ways rapidly they achieve success. Content is the most essential part of the Blog, and it is the foundation which leads a Blogger to the next level. Content is the only thing which plays the most significant role in magnetizing the audience attention. Content does brings traffic to our Blog but for a shorter period. In my judgment, success in Blogging means that an excellent content is combined with concrete promotion (minimum till you have captured enough audience /readers). So our Blog will only produce money for us if there is enough traffic. So it’s extremely crucial that we promote our Blog with effect strategies.
Monday, 18 June 2012
How To Enable CommentLuv on Blogger Blogspot?
Most of the blogger are extremely frustrated, the way their default comment system has behaved. It has lots of technical flaws, which reduce the interest of readers. Therefore, they rarely leave a comment. Google may have been busy in updating lots of features in Blogger Newer Interface, but still they never ever bothered to upgrade their current commenting system. Nevertheless, there are some alternatives available which not only engage our readers but also attract more visitors so they can share their views in the form of a comment. While I was searching enormous world of the internet, I discovered a splendid tool called CommentLuv. This will enhance the whole outlook of our comment form. This Widget is incredibly common on WordPress, although on Blogger it is not that much popular. However, I am certain after this tutorial you will surly love the CommentLuv.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
How To Bring Real Targeted USA Visitors To Your Blog?
Visitors or Traffic is the lifeblood of any online community. If an ordinary guy starts a blog, who has no familiarity with blogging. But still he is pretty confident that there is just one thing which will create an enormous difference, and that is organic Traffic. In terms of traffic, there are many countries in the world which has the capabilities to make an organization worthwhile. However, do you know the one country which is matchless? Yes, your assumption is correct it’s United States of America (USA). Getting targeted US traffic from search engines to a website is considered as the most complicated task. If we study facts about the internet population side by side, we will come across the conclusion that 22.4% of internet users are Americans. As per the latest trends, it’s obvious that America is the most significant market to bring targeted traffic for all online organizations across the globe. American Traffic is so essential because it brings profit along with that it attracts more potential advertisers. Therefore, they earn more money online than everyone. So today, we will discuss How to magnetize more targeted American visitors to your site?
Saturday, 16 June 2012
How Teens Can Manage Their Blogging Career With Studies?
The uncertainty of teenagers consists of a huge list. It starts from the time we wake up and continues till we sleep. However, the prime hurdle in their blogging career is to maintain balance in their timetable. Teenagers usually need to pass three life’s one in school, second in college and finally third in universities. These three hurdles seem straightforward, but when we examine them on the basis of facts the outcomes are extremely awful. So does that mean teens have no future in blogging? Obviously the answer of this question is a Big No! Teens has the most capable genus, they have proved their potentials by astonishing everyone in spell bee. Teens need a proper blogging schedule to usurp the entire blogging community but the question is that, how we can create a perfect blogging schedule? The answer is extremely easy, you don’t need to feel any stress just enjoy this treat a faultless blogging timetable is ready for all three different stages i.e. school, college and university.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Why Teenagers Should Start A Blog? And Make More Money
Blogging is the most prominent platform for those youngsters who have all the possible skills to make them count, and to let everyone know we are the future Pro Bloggers. Having a talented younger generation is the most dynamic plus point for a nation, from time to time they have provided evidence of their capabilities by identifying faster than a highly-qualified man. This doesn’t suggest that each and every youngster has the capacity to promote the brilliance with encouraging ideas. To achieve their dream they need to discover their potential, which will make them superior to others. However, the youth of the 21st century is measured to be the most promising generation ever witnessed in the history of the world. It proves that technology not only enhanced our lifestyle, but also played its role in instituting the responsive connection with Information Technology.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Create Animated Notification Bar With Jquery Effect
Designing our Blog with enthusiasm and self believe is the most vital point, being a Blogger we try our best to craft our Blog to perfection. However, to stylize a faultless design we more often use Widgets which not only improve our Blog’s appearance but also provide convenience to our readers. Few days ago, we launched a Scrolling-Bar with the close Button and luckily in real short time it became a massive Hit! This is the motive, today we thought to take our blog to the next level by designing a Notification Bar. To make our community more reliable, we have made it lot easier. Users can easily view or dismiss the notification bar any time they like. While I was searching the enormous world of internet, a spectacular idea clicked me, why not we create a notice bar? That would be capable of keeping our visitors updated. So I and my elder Brother accepted this challenge, and finally after a full day hard-hitting coding was able to win the challenge. So today we will learn How to Create a Notice Bar.
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Create a Auto Scrolling Sticky Bar? With Close Button
Creativity has enormous significance when it comes to skill your Blog with dedication and perfection. Preferably a faultless design symbolizes our Blog as it’s the art which shines in the eyes our visitor, and hence we continue to uphold professionalism. The Sticky Navigation or Scrollable Bar that we introduced previously was whole heartedly welcomed. Since then all had been searching for an ideal Sticky Bar that is equipped with Hide button or Cancel button, which has the capabilities to conceal the displayed bar. Possibly every one does not enjoy viewing that fixed or irremovable bar. So they do deserve the functionality which would allow them to hide or remove the bar. While surfing on one of mine favorite Blogging websites I was able to discover a well styled Sticky bar. I just opened the chunk of code and recoded the whole widget and finally it worked, bang on target. I am eager to share this widget, so let’s roll our fingers on our tutorial.
Saturday, 9 June 2012
How A Blogger Starts Blogging? and Gets Successful
The life of a Blogger appear to be full of luxuries, but if we look from a broad point of view we will assume that being a Blogger is so tough, some times it gets out of control. A common man starts Blogging to receive healthy response from his audience, but earning online is another scenario. The term Blogging appears so attractive that daily numberless Bloggers are taking birth with the aim to rule the World of Internet. However, soon they recognize to become a Blooming Blogger they need to show solidity so they can write their name in Blogosphere. The success of an ordinary Blogger depends upon his qualities that how well he is capable of making his capabilities count. As we all know rose and thorns grows on the same tree in the same way we Blogger face some difficulties, but we also has some happy moments. Does any one figure it out how a Blogger feels? How he started his Blogging career? All these mind wobbling questions test our intelligence that how a Blogger starts Blogging and reaches the peak.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
What is Make Money With Your Videos
Every one loves to earn money, and there are no two opinions about it. But earning money online is not as straightforward as sending a text, it requires hard hitting dedication with pure self believe to achieve six figures in earning. Still there are few methods, which require lesser concentration but gives marvelous results. To give you the better idea about it, let us take the example of YouTube Partner Program which gives liberty to video owners to earn smartly and more convincingly from their uploaded videos. Gloomily, some countries are missing this enormous feature due to which they are trying their heart out to convince Google to permit YouTube Partner in their state. As we all know, when some thing that goes up it has to come down in the same way the countries which are unable to make use of YouTube can still earn handsome amount revenue from an alternating website called
Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Easily Design Attractive Logos Online No Software Required
For a Blogger, it’s a real tough ask to pick some time to gain knowledge of designing. Usually bloggers have a preference to hire those designers which are capable of crafting attractive vector art. So when it comes to designing what a new blogger should do? Neither they have enough recourse to hire a professionalized designer nor have correct skills to nail a perfectly designed image. So in this scenario, there is no room for disappointment for newly born blogger. To remove your frustration finally we were able to design a Logo Creator with the help of Now with the help of this free online logo creating tool we can easily design logos with ease. This instrument is so straightforward that even a 7 year child can amuse you by designing a logo as superb, as a professionalized designer.
Monday, 4 June 2012
How To Determine Needs of Your Blog's Content?
This is a Guest Post By Raj kumar
For Blogger content is every thing it’s the portion which not only gives him satisfaction, but also makes him superior then others. Creating astonishing content is the dream of modern Bloggers, but to nail brilliant content we need to dedicate our most of time for Blogging. So to create loving content we need to learn what our Blog demands? What factors do we use to measure this value? The answer to these questions will help us to figure out our work load and our Blogging schedule. The answer depends on what kind of blog we own, our Blogging goals and the traffic we’re targeting. Here’s how we can determine needs for our Blog’s content
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Create A Unique Logo For Your Blog With Photoshop
Designing an attractive Logo is incredibly uncomplicated until, or unless accurate techniques are practiced. It only requires suitable directions to nail a perfect looking logo. In old days, designing a well designed Logo was a dream of an ordinary blogger, but now days it seems as simple as learning ABC. Logo adds color to our blog in other words we can say that, it is the best ingredient to magnetize more and more potential visitors. Don’t believe me see the facts, logically when a visitor lands on our site, he gave first priority to our blog’s outlook. This is the reason why today we will design a Professional logo for our blog which will add more colors to our blogs outlook. In this tutorial, we will be learning every thing about logo designing from starting till the end. So I encourage you to open up your Photoshop (No matter what version you are using) and follow the same steps, it will help you to learn more convincingly if your give importance to practicing, then reading.
Friday, 1 June 2012
20 Useful SEO Tips and Techniques For Bloggers
This is a Guest Post By Kate Willer
Search Engine Optimization, typically abbreviated SEO, is essential to increase your Web site’s visibility in search engine results. It is vital to incorporate SEO keywords and techniques into your Web site’s development so your site will appear higher up in the search results because most users will only click on the first page or two of search results when looking for pertinent Web sites. If you’re not well versed in SEO, you may want to consider hiring a professional who is knowledgeable in this area to incorporate SEO into your site, otherwise, you could end up doing more harm than good. Whether optimizing your site for search engines for yourself or hiring a professional, there are several tips and techniques you should be aware of. Make sure you inquire about these tips of you’re employing a professional to optimize your Web site.
Search Engine Optimization, typically abbreviated SEO, is essential to increase your Web site’s visibility in search engine results. It is vital to incorporate SEO keywords and techniques into your Web site’s development so your site will appear higher up in the search results because most users will only click on the first page or two of search results when looking for pertinent Web sites. If you’re not well versed in SEO, you may want to consider hiring a professional who is knowledgeable in this area to incorporate SEO into your site, otherwise, you could end up doing more harm than good. Whether optimizing your site for search engines for yourself or hiring a professional, there are several tips and techniques you should be aware of. Make sure you inquire about these tips of you’re employing a professional to optimize your Web site.
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