Advertisement annoys each and every visitor especially the pop up ads. This is the reason why lots of internet addicts recommend AdBlock, which brings fruitful experience to users but for Bloggers it’s the biggest pain in their brain. When a user blocks ads with the help of Ad Blocking Software It takes away lots of earning opportunities from a blogger and hence, they notice a significant decrease in their earnings. You have seen lots of WordPress Plugins created to block unwanted advertisement, but blogger lacks in optimizing. Therefore, in blogger we don’t have identical scripts like WordPress but what we have is, worth considering. This script will keep on sending notifications to your visitors until they disable AdBlock so today we will discuss How to Block AdBlock on Blogger BlogSpot Blog?
thanks for the pop-up block information Please tell me about the cookies set by websites, they are good or bad and how to prevent the bad cookies? Is cookies responsible for the data theft.
ReplyDeleteJoseph Donahue